Frequently Asked Questions

I forgot my password. How can I login?
If you have lost your password, please click on the above "Lost password?" tab and follow the indicated steps.

What is the deadline for submission?
The deadline for submitting is 7 January 2017.
I have difficulties submitting my case. Instructions do not appear on the screen!
In order to take full advantage of the online submission system, your browser must accept cookies and javascript controls. We recommend you use Internet Explorer 8 or Firefox 3.6. You may also need to install Adobe Flash player.

Difficulties may also be caused by download restrictions if you submit from your hospital or institute. Security rules might automatically block our system and javascripts. In this case, we suggest you try to submit using internet access from a different location.

How can I modify or delete my submission?
Submissions can be modified or deleted as long as you are within the time limit, by clicking on the corresponding icon next to the title of your presentation. If you experience any difficulty, please send an email to indicating precisely which previous submission should be deleted.   
No modifications to presentations will be possible once the submission deadline has passed.

Where can I find more information on the Course?
By visiting the official website of the Course here.
The preliminary programme of the congress along with details regarding the meeting (housing, registration, general information...) will be made available and updated as time goes on, on the above course website.

For further information regarding the Call for Clinical cases or to be put in contact with other persons working on the scientific programme of PCR Tokyo Valves 2017 please contact us (